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Wednesday, March 12th, 2025
British Drilling and Freezing Company Limited
Private Road No 3.
Colwick Industrial Estate
Nottingham, NG4 2BB
+44 (0)115 9611300
+44 (0)115 9617338


BDF is the UK's foremost contractor involved in the construction and maintenance of the underground cavities that are used to store strategic reserves of natural gas and other products. The company has been at the forefront of the development of the technology in the UK since its inception and retains an unrivalled legacy in this highly specialised field of drilling engineering.

One of the proven methods of storing gas is to dissolve large cavities in deep underground salt deposits and fill them with natural gas. These cavities are created by drilling holes into the salt strata and circulating water, over time the water dissolves the salt forming a large underground reservoir.

We also carry out the specialist work of positioning, maintaining and cutting the leaching strings, and assembling the complex high pressure wellheads for new gas storage cavities, using for example our Rig 30. We also re-visit old brine cavities to remove corroded casing and reline the holes with new casing.

For further information on BDF's gas storage rigs please click on the following links:

Rigs 92, 91 and 41 are operated by BDF's Boldon Drilling division.