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Wednesday, March 12th, 2025
British Drilling and Freezing Company Limited
Private Road No 3.
Colwick Industrial Estate
Nottingham, NG4 2BB
+44 (0)115 9611300
+44 (0)115 9617338

- Wytch Farm

In January 1988 Boldon Drilling, a division of BDF, mobilised Rig 91 to BP's Wytch Farm oilfield, located on the coast of Southern England, near Poole in Dorset. Many of the oilwells have been drilled from onshore to their targets offshore under Poole Harbour and Poole Bay. BDF has maintained a more or less permanent presence there ever since and has been instrumental in developing what has since become Western Europe's largest onshore oilfield and the sixth largest in the UK, producing over 100,000 bopd at its peak.

Throughout this period Boldon has carried out both exploration and infill drilling, often via lateral and multi-lateral diversions from a motherbore. In addition with over 100 producer and injector wells to maintain, Boldon's drilling rigs have been involved in numerous complex and technically varied workover operations including multi-lateral completions, installation and removal of electric-submersible pumps including tandem installations, rod jobs, water injector completions, water shut-offs, packerless completions etc. The work includes maintaining the world record-breaking well M16 which, with a step out of 10,728m was for many years the world's longest producing oil well.

In 2004 Boldon commissioned Rig 92 which was specified to undertake BP's ongoing development of the Sherwood Sandstone Reservoir under Poole Harbour. Rigs 41 and 92 continue operations on the site to this day.

The work has been carried out in one of the most environmentally sensitive areas of the UK: The Wytch Farm Oilfield is located in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, including Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Special Protection Areas, Ramsar sites, National Trust land and Natural Nature Reserves. It is also situated on the Jurassic Coast, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Boldon has made a significant positive contribution to BP's rigorous environmental protection policy.

In 1995 the Wytch Farm Development won the Queen's Award for Environmental Achievement in acknowledgement of the innovative, technologically challenging and environmentally beneficial manner in which the offshore section of the Sherwood Reservoir is being developed.

These are some notable examples of our achievements at Wytch Farm: