Colwick Industrial Estate
Nottingham, NG4 2BB
Health and Safety Overview

Due to the scale of our oil and gas activities we have our own nominated inspector from the offshore division of the Health and Safety Executive, with whom we collaborate closely to manage and promote health and safety issues within our company.
We approach health and safety issues with a wide range of pro-active measures based upon our formal written Safety Management System. These measures include:
Management Systems and Procedures
- Comprehensive Annual Safety Reporting
- HSE Review Meetings
- Method Statements and Safe Systems of Work
- Risk Assessments
- Site Safety Processes and Written Procedures
- PUWER Assessments
- COSHH Assessments
- Noise surveys
- Permits to Work
- Rigorous Induction Process for New Employees
- Medical and Occupational Health Procedures
- Statutory In-house Inspections
- Statutory External Inspections
- Additional Company Inspections
We have a comprehensive training system in place to suit the work scope of each division of the company. The system includes both internal and external training programmes.
The company also follows up any accident or incident with a suite of reactive safety management measures which include a comprehensive accident investigation system. A report is produced which includes a description of what happened, a root cause analysis, and immediate and long term corrective measures to prevent recurrence. Recommendations, including safety critical factors, are then rolled out to all relevant employees via safety memos and safety meetings in order to close the safety loop and further reduce the likelihood of any future accidents or incidents occurring.