Colwick Industrial Estate
Nottingham, NG4 2BB
Environmental Overview

A detailed Hazard Effects Register has been produced which identifies the environmental risks associated with all our activities and details the control measures in place.
Environmental risk assessments, method statements and systems of work are developed for all contracts.
BDF operates an environmental incident reporting system whereby any environmental infringements or near misses are notified to the company advisors. They will then investigate and record the circumstances of the incident and make recommendations and changes to procedures which are then implemented by the site managers.
All rig inspections include environmental components. Noise surveys are undertaken and our inspectors identify where noise sources can be attenuated or minimised. Environmental issues raised and suggested solutions are noted in an inspection report which is circulated to all responsible managers for implementation.
We also employ an external dangerous goods safety advisor (DGSA) to assist with the handling and carriage of dangerous goods. We hold a waste carrier's license and employ our own ADR-qualified drivers.
All fuel tanks are double-skinned and fully bunded in accordance with the Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) Regulations. We use drip trays and oil bunds extensively throughout all our sites.
We use biodegradable oils and greases wherever possible and practicable. Food-grade lubricants are used in potable water applications and we also avoid the use of liquid polymer muds since the polymer is dissolved in a light mineral oil.
The company operates a waste segregation system and reclaims wood, oil, steel, cables, swarf, batteries, light bulbs, paper etc.
BDF has invested heavily in acoustic enclosures to reduce the noise produced by diesel engines for the benefit of our employees and third parties.
Our green and white livery reduces the aesthetic impact of our rigs and equipment.
The company will also respond positively to proposals from any of its clients to improve our environmental credentials.